Know your God: Types of Theism

Throughout the world, there are many religions, and each religion has many sects and sub-sects. Each of these religions and sects interprets God differently. By God I mean here the monotheistic (one true God) or henotheistic (many gods but one is supreme) concept. Because people are not aware of these concepts, their understanding of religious philosophy gets confusing. So, here we go.


God is the universe. Reality is identical to divinity. All things compose an all-encompassing, immanent God. So, everything around you are a part of God, right from you to your T-shirt, the oceans, the planets, asteroids, the bacteria and virus and even the anti-matter. Every component of the universe is part of God.

Followers of this theory are the Advait Vedanta school of Hinduism, the Orphic tradition of ancient Greek religion, and Gnosticism among the Jews and Christians.


God is the universe and beyond it. Reality is part of divinity. Divinity is beyond reality, the universe, space and time. Just like in pantheism, the universe and its components are part of God, but God is not just the universe, it is even beyond the universe.

Followers of this theory are Dvaitadvaita, Vishishtadvaita, and Shuddhadvaita schools of Hinduism, and the idea can be traced in Purusha Sukta, Bhagawad Gita.


The world is made of two components, one being God. The other components can be matter (physical material) or something that is an equal opposite of what is God. So, as per the former idea, when God and matter overlaps, it creates the universe. Consciousness and Matter are fundamentally separate, but their union creates everything. As per the latter idea, the universe is created by equal opposites – light and darkness, good and evil and so on. There is a third kind of dualism that explains the duality of individual souls and the supreme soul (i.e. God).

The example of the third kind of dualism can be found in the Dvaita Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism, and Abrahamic religions. Examples of equal opposites dualism are Taoism and Zoroastrianism. Examples of God and matter dualism are Samkhya and the Yoga school of Hinduism.


This is pretty similar to Pantheism, only this philosophy says that God became the entire universe and cease to exist. 


This philosophy believes in God but rejects revelation through him or his messengers. Observing their surroundings is enough to understand the existence of God. This school rejects scriptures but believes in God.

Anyone who believes in God but rejects every religion or theology can be its example.


This school believes in one supreme God but also acknowledges lesser gods. The supreme God can be pantheistic or dualistic. Hinduism is Henotheistic, where there are many gods and goddesses but only one is supreme. The supreme God can be Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti or Ganesh, depending on the sects.


Generally, this philosophy rejects a supreme God. But it acknowledges that an ordinary human being can rise up through his or her karma and reach a level of a God. Buddhism and Jainism can be considered as its examples.

Sometimes, some of these mentioned theisms overlap. Different religions have different ideas, and different sects within a religion may also diverge in their thoughts. Therefore, it gets confusing at times. I hope this blog simplifies these concepts. Leave your observations, doubts, suggestions and ideas in the comment section. Thank you.


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